In contrast to behavioral systems such as Meyers-Briggs in which type characteristics are easily observable, the Enneagram focuses on our deeper motivational structures. These structures can be largely unconscious and can take some “digging” to expose. Therefore, discovering your type on the Enneagram tends to be a lengthier process. However the rewards are rich and well worth the effort. Even if it takes you quite some time to figure it out, nothing is lost. Just going through the process of looking within and saying, “that’s me, and that’s not me,” can lead to some interesting discoveries.
The best way to discover your personality type is to read the type descriptions. Within each type are nine Levels of Development which can be vastly different from one another. So to discover your type, you need to be able to look at the type as a whole and be able to identify with a broad range of Levels, including the lower ones. If you can only relate to the healthier levels, chances are you haven’t found your type. The best resource for type descriptions is Don Richard Riso and Russ Hudson’s Personality Types. Shorter descriptions are available on our site here.
If a quiz is more your style, you can take Riso Hudson Type Indicator or try the various free Enneagram tests easily found on the Web. However, we must caution that no test can ever be 100% conclusive. The quizzes can help you narrow down the types that are most likely to be yours, but don’t expect a conclusive result.
If you need guidance on finding your type, we offer consultation services.