In Enneagram terms, your “wing” is the type—adjacent to your primary type—that flavors the your type’s expression. For example: if you are a Nine, your wing would either be Eight or One. If you have an Eight wing, the nomenclature
Type Descriptions
Type Eight: The Challenger Self-confident, decisive, willful & confrontational The powerful, aggressive type. Eights are self-confident, strong, and assertive. Protective, resourceful, straight-talking, and decisive, but can also be ego-centric and domineering. Eights feel they must control their environment, especially people,
Discovering Your Type
In contrast to behavioral systems such as Meyers-Briggs in which type characteristics are easily observable, the Enneagram focuses on our deeper motivational structures. These structures can be largely unconscious and can take some “digging” to expose. Therefore, discovering your type
What is the Enneagram?
The Enneagram of personality is a system that defines nine basic patterns that not only help us understand ourselves and our loved ones, but it also shows us the nine ways we limit ourselves and our own potential. In the
Ego and Essence
The terms Ego and Essence are a big part of the Riso-Hudson Enneagram and they are integral to understanding the spiritual aspects of the teaching.
Why Do We Have an Ego, Anyway?
When you look at Ego, it sure seems to be responsible for all the negative stuff in the world. From that personality conflict with such-and-such that drives us to distraction, to genocide and the threat of nuclear war, if you
The Catalytic Cycle of Ego and Reactivity
I learned a term from a friend the other day: catalytic cycle (props, Alisha!). In chemistry, it applies to a process where a catalyst launches a reaction, then the product interacts with the catalyst, which in turn launches a new